I just finished reading a book called "Choosing to See." It was written by Mary Beth Chapman, wife of Christian recording artist, Steven Curtis Chapman. The book is basically about her life, her marriage, her kids, and how she dealt with the tragic loss of her 5 yr old daughter in 2009. The book is WONDERFUL. She is a very funny lady. Seems odd that there would be much humor in a book about the death of a child, but she does it very well.
The lady working the checkout when I purchased the book asked me if I listened to Steven Curtis Chapman before the accident that took his daughter. I told her yes, that I had listened to him growing up....and smiling in my head knowing that he was my older brother's idol back when he was 12 and picturing that frame on his wall that had him and Steven Curtis Chapman (matching comb overs and all) smiling for the camera, right next to an autographed cassette cover. Anyways, the lady said that she had listened to his music for a while and that she felt like she knew the family and was glad that the book had come out so she could walk through the journey with them. It is sort of true....you feel like it happened to somebody you know because it is someone that you have watched for so many years. It is interesting now to look back at the songs he has written over the last couple of years and to know now where he was when he was writing them.
The point of this post is that the book was very encouraging. I laughed and I cried. Nick thought something was bad wrong with me one night as he walked in on me sobbing in bed. haha. Great book for anyone looking for something to read. I'll even let you borrow mine :)
Other books I finished lately- "Radical" by David Platt (awesome). "Unplanned" by Abby Johnson (equally awesome)
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