Friday, June 10, 2011

Feeling Blah

I do not know what it is, the heat maybe? But for the last few days I have just felt BLAH! I have not had the motivation to do anything and I honestly have just had a bad attitude....just ask my husband, haha. So today I want to take a minute to write about things that make me smile.

Mason went to the CCV (our church out here) Stars football camp this week. They rotated around 6 different stations for an hour doing different drills and what not then at the end they played a "shark and minnow" version of flag football.  I love that no matter where I was around the complex I knew exactly where he was by his loud cackle! He is so sweet. He would die laughing (cackling) when his teammates would tackle the dummies or if they would fall doing the drills. At the end of each station the coaches would shoot them with water guns, and again, cackle!

Nick has been throwing bullpens for over 2 weeks now! He starts throwing in the Rookie League games out here in Peoria next week and will work his way up to 5 innings over the next few weeks. His hard work and great attitude in this whole situation DEFINITELY give me a reason to smile.

Another reason my husband makes me smile....or laugh? He is now officially couponing!!! He is so funny. Since there are grocery stores on every corner out here instead of wal-marts, we get a ton of store coupons in the mail. Being the faithful Wal-Mart shoppers that we are, we still go there, but now we price match! I shouldn't say "we" because I am not as into this as he is.  We have done it our last two grocery shopping trips and Nick calculated $48 in savings!

I don't have a specific funny story about Drake. He just makes me smile in general :) A not so funny story is that he got stung by a bee in the swimming pool a few days ago. His poor little hand swelled up pretty big but he is a trooper! I am just thankful that he was not allergic.

Gosh, I feel better just thinking about my boys! So good I could go out for a run.....Yea right, its my day off! Another reason to smile!

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